Blog > Big changes to our website!
Posted November 21, 2019
Welcome to our new website and blog! The purpose of updating our website was to not only fit in with modern website design, but to also make our website more user friendly. We want to make it as easy as possible to find whatever you are looking for with as few clicks as possible. Not only does our website have a new look, we have completely restructured the site, in hopes that things look visually appealing to the eyes and works better on smaller devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Some new features you may notice on our website are:
- The new big search bar
- Our calendar of events on the side of the homepage
- The new slideshow
- The “hot” buttons (blog, calendar, research and learning, etc.)
- Pop of colors all over the site
- Tutorials Tab
The library has gone through a lot of branding changes recently for you, our patrons! In addition to the website, the library’s name changed from Matteson Public Library to Matteson Area Public Library District to include the surrounding unincorporated communities, we have a new colorful logo, a new design for the library cards and our print newsletter has gone through major changes to get it to the look it has now.
So, please take a look around and let us know how you feel about the new website. What do you like? What don’t you like? A survey for the website will be on the way soon, but until then please leave us feedback at the suggestion box inside the library.
Be sure to bookmark our website and connect with us on our social medias:
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.